Buy Aciphex online

General Product Description

Aciphex is a trade name of Rebeprazol which has the antiulcer action. The mechanism of the action is connected with inhibition of enzymes in the parietal cells of the stomach, and this leads to the blockade of the final stage of the formation of hydrochloric acid. This action is dose-dependent and leads to the inhibition of both basal and stimulates secretion of the hydrochloric acid regardless of the origin of irritant. 

The reduction of the formation of the hydrochloric acid leads to the reduction of the irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and this favors the healing of ulcers and also reduction of the ricks of the development of the severe diseases.

The anti-secretory effect appears within one hour after the use of the average dosage. The maximal reduction of pH environment of the stomach is recorded in 2-4 hours after the use of the first dose. Unlike other analogical drugs Aciphex reduces the average daily rate of the acidity by 61% (this is about 88% of the reduction of the secretion gained on the 8th day of the treatment) on the first day. a stable therapeutic effect develops in 3 days of the treatment. Painful sensations, discomfort in the stomach and dyspepsia disappear in patients in this period.

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Indications to use:

Common Use

Before the beginning of the treatment it is necessary to eliminate the malignant neoplasm of the stomach. During the use of the drug the improvement of neoplasm symptomatology is possible and this will lead to difficulties of the wll-timed diagnostics of the severest disease.


Possible Side effects

The side effects are observed in 5% of cases. Oftentimes, patients experience the following side effects: headache, diarrhea, nausea, asthenia, meteorism, skin, and dry mouth. These reactions do not bear danger and last for about 4-5 days on the average.

In case of the appearance of the severer side effects which cause discomfort while the treatment and they bother the patient, it is needed to consult a medical specialist.

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